Rev. Bingham will share a story of hope and engagement. We are called to understand our deepest purpose as humans as we face the greatest moral concern of our timeclimate change. In light of the Papal document Laudato Si and the upcoming international climate meeting in Paris on Nov. 30-Dec. 11, Rev. Bingham will explore why the encyclical is an inspiring spiritual and justice journey for people of all faith traditions.

In 2012, Rev. Bingham was awarded the Audubon Societys Rachel Carson Award for her environmental leadership. She was named one of the top fifteen green religious leaders by Grist magazine; she has been recognized as a Climate Hero by Yes Magazine; one of the leaders of the new green revolution by Rolling Stone and one of the 50 most powerful women religious leaders by The Huffington Post.
NMIPLwill also use the occasion to honor faith communities and individuals who have done important work. Organizational SEED Awards include: Immaculate Conception Catholic Parish, St. Marks Episcopal, Tewa Women United and the Norbertine Community. 2015 Individual SPROUT Awards for people of faith work caring for earth in the marketplace include: Robin Seydel (La Montanita Co-op), Senator Mimi Stewart (public servant), Ruth Hoffman (Lutheran Advocacy), Patricia Gallegos (Juntos), Kathy Freeze (Catholic Charities) and Rev. Nick King (Carlsbad Mennonite). Enjoy amazing food and music! Bid on useful Silent Auction items and enjoy one another.
For more information contact New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light (info@nm-ipl.org).