Kamis, 30 Juni 2016

Cooke to process 240 000 quarantined salmon in N B The Chronicle Herald

Cooke to process 240,000 quarantined salmon in N.B. | The Chronicle HeraldLIVERPOOL — A New Brunswick company has begun transporting thousands of fish affected by an outbreak of infectious salmon anemia from a quarantined Nova Scotia aquaculture farm to a fish plant for processing.Cooke Aquaculture says about 240,000 fish will be transported from its...

DIY Breakfast Cereal Müsli!

...we interrupt our series of crab apple posts to bring you a message about breakfast cereals... There comes a time in every mans life when he begins to wonder, "what if I didnt eat cooked oatmeal with brown sugar and raisins for breakfast every day?"  As excellent a dish as cooked oatmeal is in terms of nutrition, flavor, inspiring creativity...

Rick Steves Christmas Fundraiser Brings More than 430 000 to Bread for the World

Image from OpenClipArt1,659  That figure represents the number of supporters of Rick Steves who answered his challenge to help raise funds for Bread for the World during the Christmas season in 2015. The travel writer matched donations dollar for dollar.  People who donated $100 received a gift from Steves: his European Christmas gift package...

THL Giveaway Win a copy of Weekend Homesteader by Anna Hess!

Since were right in the midst of the holiday season, wed like to give one of our readers the perfect gift for an aspiring homesteader: a real live paperback copy of The Weekend Homesteader by Anna Hess. We love the book to pieces, and we recently acquired a second copy. (Thanks, Anna!)  Were grateful for the duplicate, because it allows us to host the first ever Homestead Laboratory giveaway! How exciting! (You can read more of our thoughts...

Rabu, 29 Juni 2016

What are the benefits of aquaponics

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF AQUAPONICS?  Reduced water use Reduced chemical use Reduces pesticide use when set up in a greenhouse Reduces erosion by eliminating the need to plough the soil Reduced running costs compared to a conventional horticultural farmAquaponics, ækw??p?n?ks, pisciponics Stops backbreaking work of digging the soil and weeding...

Bernalillo County Commission to Host Food Summit on November 16

The Bernalillo County Commission is hosting the  Cultivating Bernalillo County Food Summit on Monday, November 16, at  Hotel Albuquerque, 800 Rio Grande Blvd. NW (map), 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.Anyone working with food (farming, processing, selling, redirecting, etc.) is invited to the event, which offers the ability to network with many people...

Northern Aqua Farms Book Store

Find fish farming books, manuals and other useful reference informationSometimes finding what you are looking for on the internet can get to be time consuming or even a bit frustrating at times. I have experienced the same feelings when searching for good reference books and I often thought that it would be nice to be able to easily narrow down my effort and...

Northern Aqua Farms

NorthernAquaFarms.Com is a source for informative content and resources concerning Aquaculture, Aqua Farming, the environment, fish and seafood. We feature general information pages, fresh daily news items, special industry articles, a book store, a resource directory and other resources.The goal of this website is to provide useful online resources to industry visitors and the general public. Many of our visitors are interested in cottage industry...

Speeding Up The Cycling Process

Speeding Up The Cycling ProcessWhen cycling aquaponics systems, the process can be speeded up by adding bacteria to the system, rather than waiting for it to show up on it’s own. Heating the water to the optimum temperature will speed things up further.Aquaponics, ækw??p?n?ks, pisciponicsBacteria can be obtained from the following sources:Media from...

Selasa, 28 Juni 2016

Electrify Africa Act Wins Approval in Congress and a Group of Students at UNM Helped

Photo montage from ONEThe Electrify Africa Act  is now law. The initiative directs the President to establish a multiyear strategy to assist countries in sub-Saharan Africa implement national power strategies and develop an appropriate mix of power solutions, including renewable energy, to provide access to reliable, affordable, and sustainable...

Artists of Artstreet to Showcase Works During February

Images (left to right, top to bottom) Joe Goss, Tony & Julianna Pelletier, Sarah Sadler, R.L. Vallier, Brennan DiemOn Friday, February 5, the Harwood Art Center will open a gallery featuring works from the artists of ArtStreet through an exhibit entitled Recycled Heart. The annual showing brings the injustice of poverty and homelessness together...

Katie Made Hummus! And its pretty good!

Guess what!  Katies learning to be a magician.  Her first trick involved dried chickpeas!  Now we have a tasty dip for all our veggies!  Check it out:She started with some regular ol dried chickpeas.Then soaked them overnight in the crockpot. The next day, she turned the crockpot on and cooked them for another 12 hours or so until...

Thinking of Starting your Own Business

Aquaculture does offer good potential for financial returns, it can be a rewarding business and one you can be be proud of. Like any other idea, your business size and scope has to suit you and your resources, to have the best chance for success. Always do your homework first and plan your business, then work your plan.Aqua Farming can be undertaken on a full time or part time basis. Many successful individual farmers started farming fish on a part...

Rev Scott Anderson to Keynote New Mexico Conference of Churches event on Oct 24

My ecumenical vocation began when I helped organize a CROP walk as a high school junior. That experience gave me a larger vision of the church beyond our denominational tribalism. Jesus’ prayer for his disciples ‘that all may be one’ (John 17:11) defines ecumenism as both gift and task.   -Rev. Scott D. AndersonRev. Scott  Anderson,...

Salmon Farming Here To Stay

Report:KINGSTON, R.I., March 9 (UPI) -- U.S. residents are eating four times as much salmon as they were 20 years ago, most of it imported farmed salmon.Researchers at the University of Rhode Island found that the value of wild salmon caught in the United States and Canada dropped from $800 million to $300 million between 1980 and 2004, the Providence Journal reported. In 1980, only 2 percent of the salmon sold globally was farmed, which grew to...

We Heart Strata

This post will be our twelfth monthly strata recipe, which means were wrapping up our regular series on strata.  (Although such a versatile dish will certainly make a new appearance on the blog from time to time!)  As a fitting exit, we wanted to express our undying love for this quirky bread casserole the best way we know how: by making...

Spring Chickens 2014 Final Stats

We finally had a chance to compile the final numbers on our spring batch of chickens, so we wanted to put the numbers out there in case anyone besides us would find this kind of stuff useful.  Be forewarned: this is a data-heavy post!Heres the pretext: we got 27 chickens from McMurray Hatchery on May 5.  The box of fluff that arrived in the...

Senin, 27 Juni 2016

Homestead Happiness and Progress February Week 4

Winter returned with a vengeance this week, dumping two 8+" storms on us, and never really stopping in between.  Its sunny today, but were supposed to get another couple inches overnight and tomorrow.As a result, the homestead looks like this, and most of our time was spent getting to and from work.  However...On Friday, a large round of...

Homestead Happiness June Week 4

Lots of developments on fruits, vegetables, and wildflowers this week made us happy.The creeping bellflower, which is kindly filling in our less-maintained areas with purple June/July flowers, is in full bloom.Its an invasive species, but other than being an aggressive spreader and difficult to eradicate, its not as bad as some invasives.  For...

The Need for Aquaculture

Aquaculture is probably the fastest growing food producing sector in the world. During the past three decades, aquaculture has expanded, diversified, intensified and made technological advances. The potential of this industry to enhance local food security, alleviate poverty and improve rural livelihoods has been well recognized The present level of aquaculture production was driven out of necessity. Just as Agriculture became imperative to the existence...

Merry Christmas from The Homestead Laboratory!

Wishing you an awesome holiday season with lots of fun, craziness, and extra eggn...


If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough. Meister Eckhart “God wants nothing of you but the gift of a peaceful heart.”  Meister EckhartGod of all kindness, everything that exists comes from you. You renew our joy in your creation, and give us a heart attentive to those we meet. And then we can better...

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